Katinka Greve Leiner
Director of Ferd SocialEntrepreneurs
Ferd Social Entrepreneurs
Social entrepreneurs create important benefits for society.
Here are the social results our portfolio companies generated in 2023.
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Total number of people for whom companies in our portfolio had a positive impact.
Life-enhancing impact
Life-changing impact
The portfolio companies of Ferd Social Entrepreneurs (FSE) created a positive impact in the lives of more than 70,000 people in 2022. – Our goal is for these companies to grow stronger so they can reach even more people, says Director Katinka Greve Leiner.
Ferd Social Entrepreneurs invests in social entrepreneurs and social impact companies that deliver strong social and financial results. We support the companies through our dedicated employees, network and solid financial base.
We choose companies where we can help make an important difference and create good social and economic results. In the various companies, we have contributed equity, various hybrid instruments or grants – adapted to the company’s needs and phase.
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