Our performance

We recognise Ferd’s investments at fair value. This means that the group reports its performance in terms of value-adjusted equity.

Value-adjusted equity

Ferd’s value-adjusted equity has grown from NOK 6 billion at its launch in 2001 to NOK 45.8 billion today, which is equivalent to an annual return of 10 percent.

Value-adjusted equity


Allocation of capital between Ferd’s business units

The table shows the fair value of our investments by business units:

Active owner

31 700

4 300

Active investor

7 500

Capital (NOK bn.)


Capital (NOK bn.)

31 700

4 300

7 500




Annual report 2023

Ferd’s value-adjusted equity totalled NOK 45.8 billion as at 31 December, up from NOK 43.0 billion as at 31 December 2022. In total, Ferd achieved a return on value-adjusted equity of 8.6 percent. After adjusting for the NOK 893 million in dividend paid to Ferd’s owners, the return in NOK terms was NOK 3.7 billion.